Monday, October 12, 2009

Tryin to stay warm

Made a big pot of venison chili this weekend to start gettin' in the mood. It's been pretty cold here, we got down to the upper 40's one night!


Chris said...

Brrr, 40s, how DO you manage? Did I mention the 2 inches of snow we had last weekend?

the old farmer said...

We had 7 inches of snow last Saturday in Fremont. I was up to the farm a couple of days this week, drove in a regular nasty blizzard for a few miles south of Brookings. The farm had a couple of inches of snow Sunday night, it melted on monday with the freezing rain we had. Then it snowed a little again on Tuesday. All the sloughs are full, and every low spot in the cornfields has water in it.
My renter's (Gene and Spencer Sauder) told me last week that they are not interested in renting my land under the present arrangement, and they had not proposed any other agreement, so it looks like I may be farming it myself next year.
This could lead to fantastic hunting opportunities under a different style of farming, but also increased stress levels for the old farmer.
till thanksgiving, the old farmer.

Phil the deerkiller said...

I don't know what y'all are talking about it was 95 here in the shade. I was hoping for a little cooler weather.