Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Travel Plans

Doubtful that anything will come of this but:

Is anyone planning to drive up from Florida. I will be back and forth to Mt Dora - AT THIS Time I would not plan to drive either way, but I do know that I could have reason to drive down, and would always be willing to pay my share of the freight on a ride back from that area. And, if I end up driving down to FL it would be at Christmas time. If I end up doing that, I would gladly haul some stuff back to FL.

Is anyone planning to drive up from Texas. Why. I have a friend who I really want to see who lives in San Antonio. What would be great would be if I could possibly share a ride on half of that trip, as well. Whether or not I will end up driving back and forth to San Antonia within the near future is beyond my ability to project, but the possibility exists. He is another one of those people who was so instrumental in guiding me through a successful military career - and he is dying.

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