Monday, October 5, 2009

MN Early Antlerless

This coming weekend I get to participate in the "early antlerless" hunt in northwestern MN. We were worried when deciding whether or not to participate a few weeks ago, that it might be too warm if we got a deer to cool down the carcass. The 10 day forecast says highs will be 32-37 degrees and gray with snow showers... This ought to be interesting since there's no heat yet in the cabin. We just finished roughing in the breaker box last week when I was there. I guess that will light a fire under our asses to get the outlets wired up! Nice part is, we also witnessed a herd of 25 deer walking out into the alfalfa field from the woods as the sun was setting.

$7.50 each for up to two "early antlerless" tags (2 days only), that was hard to refuse (nice thing is that they are OTC there). I've decided to be slightly cocky and limit myself to guns with no scopes. I'm actually going to leave my trusty .270 slaughtermaster in The Cities on purpose. I'll be hunting with the .45-70 govt. and my .45/.50 muzzleloader as backup. So I'll let ya'll know whether I've been humbled or not in a week. If both guns fail, I'm stripping down to the blaze orange loin cloth and using a sharpened spruce sapling.

Wish me luck!


TX boy said...

Woohoo! I was looking at my TX license yesterday (after I had it out to dry cause I washed my wallet) and it has 4 turkey tags, (small stickers) 3 any whitetail, 2 antlerless whitetail, 1 any muley and 1 anterless muley on it.

the old farmer said...

It looks like you guys had better buy bigger freezers!, TX boy, last week you said that you wouldn't have any problem filling all your tags, does that still hold? I think we have 8 or 10 shells left for the "06", will that be enough for everything? What can you use for turkey, a 22? Should I bring the Rifle down when we come next week?
We had venison chops last night, they were really good, and unfortunately, about the last for the year. Looking forward to "fresh meat". Does anyone have an old gas grill that they would donate to the cause?
Soon: the old farmer

illinois pheasant hunter said... favorite time of year! Just 25 days and I'll be in South Dakota - pheasants beware! Archery season started on Oct. 1st in Illinios. Got a fairly nice sized doe on Sunday. Now just need to wait for the big buck to come wandering by.

Phil the deerkiller said...

TX boy I wouldn't worry about the Turkey tags, You have to use a shotgun on Turkeys and from your dove hunts I don't know if you can buy that many shot shells. In other news look out SD looks like the Deerkiller and bunnylovers are coming home for Thanksgiving. fire up the grill and pour the beer.
Sorry no Gator meat this year. I didn't get a tag.

the old farmer said...

Can you get someone to take a picture of you in your orange loincloth?? Are you allowed to wear armorall under it?
Where is this cabin that you are working on? Will we have to expand the hunting tradition to include a few days in northern Minnesota?
Happy hunting.

Chris said...

Yes, I armor all on a regular basis... keeps everything squeeky clean.. The cabin is 16x16 and made from jack pine logs on a buddy's grandmothers farm. Might be a little cozy, but who knows. Personally I'd like to try the Texas thing. Sounds like you can drink beer, drive around in a pickup, and shoot any animal that moves.. not all that unlike SD ;-)

the old farmer said...

You know, texas hunting might not be so bad, all we would have to worry about would be keeping beer cold, not keeping it from freezing. We could probably settle the age old arguement about ford vs chevy vs dodge, by changing ryan's lake into a mud run. "Here, hold my beer and watch this". I bet if a person got going fast enough, you could get all the way across his lake. If not he would have the boat to rescue us.

Ryan could we hang a dozen or so deer from the frame of the boathouse? Maybe we should work on that for next year for mid january, that would be a nice mid winter break.

TX boy said...

Well did you manage to hit something without a tube to look through? If not did you hang one up with the loincloth? (Wow does that give new meaning to "button buck" ;-)