Thursday, October 22, 2009

drawing stats

Looked around when I put in for my tags. Here is what I found...

1. Kingsbury two doe tag: 108
2. Kingsbury 1 doe tag: 116
1. Clark two doe tag: 446

And I just talked to dad, he missed a deer as I was on the phone with him about 2 miles from the house.


Chris said...

yep, you need to have you application in by the 28th. Do we have plenty of Clark Co acres accessible?

TX boy said...

We have at least a few quarters.

TX boy said...

nice job on the date Chris... The actual cutoff is 8am on the 27th... I'm ok but would care to take a guess who missed it? Hint: it rhymes with Beerkiller. ;-)

Phil the deerkiller said...

Ha Ha You guys are all Dicks and I didn't want to Kill anything anyway! But G and P said that there should be leftovers. If not I'll drink more and hunt Pheasants at noon.