Monday, March 15, 2010

"Officer Stone Gets on TV"

Phil is on TV!

I wonder how many takes it took to make him sound that intelligent? ;-) Nice...


TX boy said...

When you read the title, think curious George instead of officer Stone. ;-)

Chris said...

thank god for small favors. i always feared we'd see phil on tv for something much much different...

BTW, did you grow that just for the interview? ;)

the old farmer said...

I think it is amazing that Officer Stone was able to put together more than 2 coherent sentences without dropping the "F" bomb every other word.
We are starting to thaw snow at the farm, but it doesn't look like we need to worry about the sloughs drying up in the near future. Pheasants and deer seem to have survived the nasty winter without excessive loss of life(that sounds kind of like our last hunting season-were we trying to reduce the population or what?)
the old farmer

Nelson said...

Come on guys the good officer is my son after all ....... oh yes now I understand everyone surprise :)