Monday, March 29, 2010

How high's the water mama??

The water's six foot high and risin.

I was up to the farm this weekend, looked at the food plots. the snow is pretty well melted. The problem is the water in the big pond over at the north deer stand is about 6 rows into the food plot, so it might be a problem to harvest and replant this years plots. The road is probably about 3 foot under water. The slough around the south deer stand is just about as high, the water is deeper than it has been in years. I may have to leave the corn stand, and have a perennial corn crop, plant it one year, harvest it 2 years later. Oh well, if I let it grow up to weeds, with the corn still standing, it will be a great hunting cover for next year.
It looks like the deer and pheasants did not suffer too much from last winter, it was probably harder on the humans trying to take care of livestock!!
Oh, well!! one year closer to retirement! Old gray hunter, can you identify with that??
the old farmer

1 comment:

TX boy said...

Sounds like Pistol Pat better leave his cellphone at home...