Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gary on radios

Cabella's has a set of 4 Cobra LI 6000-2 WX VP for $159.95 listed on their web page

I checked at Walmart, they don't have that model, but they have a LI 7500-2WX EVP (set of 2) for $69.95 ($140 for 4) It has all kinds of features, including 2200 monitoring combinations of frequency ( I think that was what the package said. It has a range of 25 miles, so it should at
least reach across the slough well.

Unless I hear different, I will probably purchase 2 sets (4 radios) from Walmart. That should be a
deductible tax item for the farm.


Chris said...

They are pretty clear radios, they only work long distance if you have a fairly clear line of sight though. Still should work well all over the farm. One bit of advice: if you do buy them, get them on the charger right away. They need a 24 hour charge before you can use them.

TX boy said...

Dad says that we now have 4 more radios, all charged up and ready to go...