Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Post from Gary

Going to be heading up to De Smet this weekend, did you get a blog comment I send to Nelson regarding the deer blinds? I was wondering how many "houses" we should buy supplies for initially.
I ran across a really nice 4-wheeler this morning, It is an older (98?) Arctic Cat, 500, 4wd, 5 speed,. According to the speedometer, it only has 250 miles on it. It is set up really nice for hunting, it has a hard rifle "scabbard" case, on one side, zipper cameo storage pouches on both the front and rear luggage rack, and a winch on the front. They want $3000 for it, would any of the crew be interested? Would you want to go "halves"? Why don't you post this on the blog, I haven't figured out yet how to do that.


Phil the deerkiller said...

I would be in but I already have an ATV. I just need to fine a way to convince the airline that it's a wheelchair. Plus I'd play hell trying to monitor sea turtles from South Dakota.

Chris said...

Yeah, the ATV is a little out of my budget. Sounds like a nice ride though.

As far as deer stands go, I'd be happy with a few well placed hay bales if you have them around Gary. Don't go to too much trouble. Pat and I are used to laying in fence lines, tumbleweeds, piles of rock and barbed wire on frozen mud, ect... but I guess the old guys (Phil and Ryan) might need a cushy spot to sit in all day...

Nelson said...

I would love to do the ATV as well but with that 470 nitro coming I am going to be a little short of cash. :)

As to the stands if we get one built this year we will be doing well. I am thinking that after one we will have a better idea as to cost and such. I love the idea of putting in posts at different sites and then moving the blinds as needed and to be honest dry and warm sounds real good to me. And late season it could be the difference between two hours in the blind at a time and a day sit.

Phil the deerkiller said...

We are going to build elevated stands or blinds eather way I'm in. if we all throght in $50 or $75 we should be able to cover a lot of lumber.