Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Public land

I've just finished my morning procrastination, and digitized and compiled all the public land in Kingsbury County. Maps soon!

Summary statistics are as follows:
  • There are approximately 17,000 acres of public hunting land in the county (some of which is underwater, much of which is mud and cattails).
  • ~10,000 acres are SD GPAs (Game Production Areas)
  • ~6500 acres is USFWS WPAs (Waterfowl Production Areas)
  • There are ~44 GPAs in the county.
  • There are ~33 WPAs in the county.
  • This year there are NO "Walk in Areas". Throw out your old hunting atlases, for some reason many landowners have withdrawn their land from this program.
For comparison's sake, the Akkerman and Kruze land is about 960 acres combined and is all contiguous.

Like I said, there is a lot of mud, water, and cattails. There is also quite a bit of upland, shoreline, and foodplots. There should be plenty of great spots to ambush Bambi on...

1 comment:

Phil the deerkiller said...

Have we thought about bring the deer stand up from Rays. I think I know a spot at the farm house. Ryan how about the trees on the north behind the house. Facing the north water hole and field.