Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pistol Pat are you Ok

Has anyone heard from Pistol Pat. I hear tell that he sold all his guns and hunting gear and joined PETA. Also I heard that he stopped drinking beer for wheat grass Tea.


the old farmer said...

Nice picture!(NOT), is that suitable for your obituary?
Finally back in Fremont, will fill you in on the AA scene tomorrow when I have a little time. Saw lots of deer, and have to bragg about a rusty colored dog.
The old farmer.

Pistol Pat said...

You guys must have been reading my online dating profile. Don't worry its all a pose. Turns out those Vegan Hippy chicks are so weak from lack of protein they have no willpower to resist.

Chris said...

Mmmm... grass fed chicks... delicious.

the old farmer said...

Pat, Phil and Topher, Are you going to be ready to start hunting on Sunday, or wait till later in the week? I will be there Fri, Sat, and Sunday with pheasant hunters, so the house will be ready. There might be a few deer so scared of you guys that they will be standing by the shed, waiting to be hung by the back legs.

Chris said...

heh heh, wheat grass tea...