Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Old friends

Hey, Great White Hunter:
I ran into an old friend of yours today, while exercising Rusty out in the street. Stephen Tellatin, retired from the army reserve. His email is: if you want to contact him. He lives about 4 houses south of us. He doesn't hunt too much any more, but was just going out to scout for a black powder stand on the river north of town.
The Illinois group is coming this Saturday, they are planning on waterfowl hunting, as well as pheasant, which is good, as we have lots of water.
Some crop is finally coming out, but no corn yet for a couple of weeks. It would be great if Gene could be picking our corn at thanksgiving, that would stir up a few deer.
later, the old farmer


illinois pheasant hunter said...

I cant wait to get to SD to do some pheasant hunting deer huntingin illinois has been a little slow this week seen several small bucks 4pt 6pt &8pt but no BIG bucks may bee another week and the rut will kick in

Chris said...

My dad has a farm near Farmington IL, and one of my distant cousins stuck a ten pointer off an oak tree the other day. Acorns make good antlers! Good luck w/the pheasants!