I mean this deer, heh!
So after letting two spike bucks walk by me in the first hour of deer opener here I thought I'd better shoot the third one. He ended up having three valid points, but the antlers were all spikey and neat, I'll bring them out to show folks. I had him draggged out of the river bottom, guttted, hanged, and was up having coffee with the landowner by 8:30 a.m. The .45-70 govt. works like a charm in the woods. You should have seen the 6 bald eagles fighting with the crows and magpies on the gut pile 1/2 hour later.
So does this count towards the score?
That deer only counts for the things killed total all year. Not the SDAA hunt but if you hit a deer on the way to SD I think that should count? :>)
nice doe! it's ears look a little bit funny though. :-)
Well, I actually did get one that we should count. It was the one the Old Farmer and his pheasant hunters scared off last Saturday. It was so scared that it became disoriented and ended up about 5 miles west of Hoven in a hayfield. I recognized it as one of the does from Akkerman Acres, so I ended her confusion. She can be found in the freezer.
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