Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Kill of the season.

Finally hit a few of the little buggers this morning... So far I'm 5 for ~40 or so... Maybe I won't make as much fun of Pistol Pat this year.... naaa. Note the picture with the houses in the background. We were actually hunting a field with a major freeway to our back and the housing development you see on the other side. There were doves everywhere. I'm claiming first kill cause nobody else has said anything... Losers! ;-) And finding one dead on the ground doesn't count Old Farmer.


the old farmer said...

Good shooting! If you reread the last posting, you will see that I was trying to give you credit for the dove that I found. Now that you have done the caveman thing, and brought home meat for the family, will Cathy skin and cook your prizes for you?
I bought a retrieving dummy for Rusty, It has pheasant wings taped to it that are replaceable, they are held on with plastic ties. He did really will most of the time, occasionally, he doesn't bring it right back, but wants to play with it.
Will we have time to go to Cabellas when we are in TX?
Later, the old farmer

Phil the deerkiller said...

Good shooting Tex! I'll give you first kill of the season. I'm hoping to get a little hunting in this year. Well good luck next time.

TX boy said...

We can go to Cabellas if you want? what are you looking for?

the old farmer said...

I am looking for an electronic dog collar. The features I would like are a beeper that changes pitch when the dog goes on point, a shock device that has memory, buzz only, and variable settings; and GPS locator. I went to Scheels sports, but they didn't have anything specific to what I was looking for.
later, the old farmer.

TX boy said...

Went to and looked around some. suggest you do the same. costs are anywhere from couple hundred to 600. Didn't see any with gps locator but didn't look for long.

Chris said...

does rusty point and flush? I sure could use that kind of help up here in the damn woods with the grouse. Can't see a thing, and its hard to walk through 10ft tall dog-hair thick aspen trees like you would corn or grass. oh yeah i missed too, but i haven't had nearly as many shots.

Soldier Boy said...

I might not know a lot about dove hunting - but why are you displaying them on the lid from a plastic pail of cat litter?