Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Passed !!! Look out poachers

It is final I just got my State Exam score and I passed. Only 6 more weeks of in-serves training and I'll be home and on-duty.


Nelson said...

WONDERFUL that was for Rex and echoed by Mom. Now give me a call if you can tonight.

TX boy said...

poachers and deer hiding behind school buses!

Congratulations man. That is awesome!

the old farmer said...

Way to go, best of luck in your new career!! Don't forget about us common folk in the Dakotas. Better yet, invite some of your new, lawabiding, rich friends to come up hunting. We will show them that we have swamps too, and more than alligators and jackrabbit sized deer.
See you in November??????
The old farmer

Pistol Pat said...

I can see it now. The beautiful scene, our very own law enforcement to flash his badge to the crying children and say, "Back on the bus kids, nothing to see here. I am a professional and this was just proper wildlife management."