Sunday, May 17, 2009

Farm update

Finally had a chance to spend a couple of days at the farm, being a working stiff really cuts into my spare time. I did get the food plot down in the big slough planted yesterday, I just planted between the rows from last year, and then sprayed to kill the weeds. The planter bar pretty well knocked down the old stalks, and in the entire plot, I saw 2 ears of corn. Every thing else had a bare cob hanging from the stalk. I'd say the pheasants and deer had pretty good eating all winter. I hope to have someone lined up to pick the two other plots next weekend, then I can get the rest planted.
I had a "slight" disagreement with my renters, and unfortunately, I let them have their way. (I'm just too nice a guy) They denied that I had told them I wasn't going to rent the pastures this year, so they will still have cattle on them this year, and probably chew them right down to the roots, just like last year. Therefore, we won't have the extra corn and grass to hunt on, at least for this year. They are also planting much more soybeans, and much less corn acres.
Next fall, they will get written notice of cancellation of the present lease. I'm not sure what I will be doing, but I will have much more active involvement in management, if not actually farming part or all myself.
Pistol Pat, are you free for the summer, or still tied to the academic scene?
Later, the old farmer

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