Monday, December 8, 2008

Topher's deer gets shot

Dad said this deer was shot in the food plot just to the south of the house. I'm pretty sure this was the deer that we were chasing in the south slough, the tight rack looks pretty familiar. By the way Toph, it is a 4x5.


TX boy said...

Hey Beerkiller! Where are our pictures?

Chris said...

That is a REALLY nice deer! I think its a different one than the one Phil and I chased out of the lake, although it too had nice long tines pointed straight up like that.

Chris said...

I'd have had the same sh*t eatin' grin on my face if I'd have shot it too!

Phil the deerkiller said...

YES That is the same buck TX boy and I saw in the south slough but I know in my hart that's not the buck Topher took a shot at by the lake. That Buck was a pure 5x5.

TX boy said...

Dad talked to the guy who butchered that buck. Apparently it had been shot before and was full of some sort of infection and was probably running a fever. They didn't save any of the meat.