Monday, November 3, 2008

Good samaritan

Check out the new hunting coat and gloves I just got in the mail! Someone truly cares for me.


Phil the deerkiller said...

I will make you a great deal. You can wear that coat and gloves for all your hunting in Tx until November 19th 2008.

Then I get to use them. Until November 19th 2108 then I promise to give them back to you.

Chris said...

Say, those are pretty nice! Man Beerkiller is gonna be jealous.

By the way, you Texans may hunt in shorts down there, but its getting a little cold for that up here.

TX boy said...

supposed to be 84 here today... that is why I didn't zip up the jacket.

the old farmer said...

What size is your coat? Will it fit a short, fat white guy?
The old farmer