Sunday, October 19, 2008

Got your tags?

I put in for mine today. Looks like there are 45 2 doe tags and 75 1 doe tags left for Kingsbury. Should be able to get one. Are Deerkiller and I still the only out of staters? Phil and I are planning to be on the farm sometime on Friday the 21st, maybe even late on the 20th. Then we'll leave maybe Tuesday night. What is everyone else's plan?


TX boy said...

Also, I finally gave up on the grand plans I had for and just put up something basic since Phil has been handing out business cards.

Chris said...

I can be there either Thursday night (20th) or Friday morning. I'll have to leave Sunday night or maybe Monday morning.

Phil the deerkiller said...

Well I put in for my tags and SD took my Money. So I think I'm in.

TX boy said...

I feel an incredible urge to shoot something. I don't think I've physically pulled a trigger since.... well probably since thanksgiving... I guess it's a good thing shooting isn't something you need to practice... :-) I might have to dig out the bb-gun. Look out neighborhood cats.

Phil the deerkiller said...

No tx boy
It's a good thing that your gun is an automatic. That way you could always spray and pray. Speaking of practice have you put your new scope on your gun yet.

TX boy said...

Not yet. Think I might pick up the rings tomorrow night and get it on... Then get to the range in the next week or so...

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Shooting practice is sooo overrated. At least that's what the duck said as he flew away yesterday. At least I got to shoot AT an animal...