Saturday, October 11, 2008

Deer runs over the old farmer

Well, talked to dad tonight. He said he almost got ran over by a deer between the house and the car in the driveway. Just about gave him a heart attack. There were 3 in the alfalfa across the driveway and a couple more on the edge of the corn to the south of the house. He thinks he could have filled 4 or 5 tags from the deck with a .22... Anybody getting excited yet?


Chris said...

Well Gary, I guess you had best start wearing a side arm out there. I think "self defense" comes before "legal deer"... :)

Phil the deerkiller said...

Gary the self defence plan will work. I heard if you yell out the words "look out ! It's coming right for us" then you shoot. Not positive run it by Doc Bell.

the old farmer said...

I had my gun in my hand, but I guess I should have had a firearm instead. Needless to say, it scared the p--- out of me.

I am about 99% done with the deer stands, have the carpet laid, and all the trim installed. Ryan and I decided to build "protective covers" for the large side windows, to protect them from errant shotgun pellets during the time that they are not being used. This will also keep the windows from being frost covered when you go out there early in the morning.
Still have to "plant the poles"
and mount the "houses" on top of them. Hopefully in the next week or so.
I have the board of directors for the Fremont/Omaha chapter of "Pheasants Forever" coming for a hunt on October 25, If they have a good time, that should be tremendous advertising for Akkerman Acres.

Later, the old farmer.

Phil the deerkiller said...

I still want some business cards for Akkerman Acres.Did they ever get off the draft table.

the old farmer said...

Yes, Ryan, send him some if you still have any, or I can send him some, deerkiller, call me in a day or two with your address, I can mail you some from the farm. I am out of the blog loop in rural SD.

The Old farmer