Sunday, September 7, 2008

SD Controlled Hunting Access Program

Looks like SD GFP is trying out a new land use program. They are contracting with landowners on a limited basis to allow public hunters on their land. Reservations are necessary and they only allow certain activities. There is a 320 ac one a mile west and just north of the Akkerman farmhouse called:

42A Kingsbury Larson CHAP 320


  1. Hunting allowed for deer only.
  2. Small game, waterfowl and turkeys are not allowed to be hunted at any time.
  3. Permission to access Larson CHAP is done by reservation only by contacting the GFP Region 3 office in Sioux Falls by calling 605-362-2720, Mondays through Fridays from 8 am – 5 pm, Central Time. If no one is available, please leave a message.
  4. A maximum of 2 hunting parties per day will be allowed to hunt. A hunting party may have up to two members.

Thought ya'll might be interested.

1 comment:

Phil the deerkiller said...

Question if we hunt this land should we only hunt in the direction of the farm? That way when they run onto the road I can KILLEM from a proper hunting position.